Poster Abstracts

Abstract Submission Starts on September 30, 2012

Poster abstracts should follow the guidelines specified below. All poster abstract will be reviewed by the poster review committee and will be selected solely on quality for presentation at the meeting

For the NGS conference, participants are encouraged to submit poster abstract that cover areas that include NGS technology, application of the NGS technology, algorithms for NGS data analysis and bio-informatics applications for NGS data analysis.

The intent of the poster sessions is to promote interaction and the exchange of ideas among the participants.

The cost of registering for the meeting is the same whether or not you submit an abstract.

We recommend registering prior to submitting an abstract as space can potentially fill prior to posted deadlines. You will not be able to present if your abstract if you do not register for the meeting.

Abstract content and editing is the responsibility of the author. Abstracts will be published as submitted. Abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.

STEP 1: Format Abstract.

Please submit your abstract in the rich text format (rtf). Use Arial font for your abstract and whenever possible, try to use the Symbol font in your RTF file for your Greek and Scientific symbols (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.) . Name of the author presenting the abstract should be in bold.

  • Title should be bold and followed by one return.
  • Author List and Institutions should be followed by one return.
  • Presenting author name should be in bold
  • Abstract should be no more than 250 words on a single page.
  • Please use font size: 12; font: Arial
  • English is the official language of the meeting
  • Use standard abbreviations in your abstract as needed
  • Document must fit 8 1/2" x 11" letter format.
  • Please use the rtf template provided to type in your abstract
  • Provide any grant acknowledgments for your research at the end of your abstract as needed

STEP 2: Send Abstract

Abstracts must be submitted online.

Click the Submit Abstract button. Load your file and hit submit. If you have any questions, please email or contact Srijith VM at +91-9446063398.

STEP 3: Prepare Poster.

Poster space is limited. Be sure to submit early.

Poster board provided will be 120 cm X 120 cm (4ft X 4ft) Check poster letter provided by the organizer for exact sizes, or contact Srijith VM at +91-9446063398

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Bioinformatics workshop