Dr. Ravi Gupta is working as a senior bioinformatics scientist at SciGenom Labs. Ravi received his PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India in the field of bioinformatics. His PhD work was on application of signal processing and pattern recognition techniques for biological sequence analysis. For a short period he worked as a faculty member at AU-KBC Research Center, Anna University, India. In 2008 he joined Davuluri Lab at Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, USA for his post-doctoral work in the area of next-generation sequence analysis and computational biology. He has developed program to predict and annotate promoters in human and mouse whole genome studies. He has also developed several annotation pipelines for integrative analysis of next-generation datasets and databases for mammalian promoterome and transcriptome. His research interests include next-generation analysis, transcriptomics, epigenetics, personal genomics and RNA-editing.